
22 Feb 2021

One of the great events about geothermal energy is available

On January 28 and 29, within the framework of the European projects PIXIL and GEO-URBAN, the international workshop ‘Exploring the subsurface for geothermal energy: A local and global perspective’ was held.

The event, which took place virtually due to the pandemic, is of great importance for the world of geothermal energy since issues such as the state of this renewable energy in the European Union and large-scale projects were discussed. In addition, many geothermal projects were addressed, both locally and globally, and the most successful cases were explained, a key component in a carbon-free energy future.

Together with Margarita de Gregorio (Geoplat), Josep de la Puente (BSC) and Emmanuelle Robins (Pole Avenia) were in charge of leading the workshop in which representatives of European institutions and organizations participated.

James MacAteer, from Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions – GDG; Philippe Dumas, from European Geothermal Energy Council – EGEC; Luis Ciro Pérez Fernández, from Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía – IDAE; Paul Bonnetblanc, from the Ministry for an ecological Transition, DG Energy and Climate of France; Jean-Jacques Graff, from the Association Française des Professionnels de la Géothermie – AFPG; Virginie Hamm, from Bureau de Recherche Géologique et Minière – BRGM; Ignasi Herms, from Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya – ICGC and from Clúster de l’Energia Eficient de Catalunya – CEEC; Mathieu Auxietre, from TLS Geothermics; Carlos Díaz, from Cardial Recursos Alternativos; Alberto Merino, from Cyopsa-Sisocia; Mats Egard, from E.ON Energilösningar AB; Albert Pujadas, from Quali Geotermia; Jesus M. Casado, from Ente Vasco de la Energía-EVE; and Daniel Muñoz, from Sacyr Industrial, were the panelists of the event.

Given that a large amount of information on geothermal energy was shared at the European level during the conference, we believe that its access could be very interesting for those who could not attend the workshop. For this reason, on the PIXIL project website you can find the presentations of the participants, as well as the videos of the event with Spanish and French subtitles.

The poster of the workshop. PIXIL