
08 Apr 2024

(Español) EGRISE, el motor europeo de búsqueda de documentos de I+D sobre geotermia

The European Geothermal R&D Document Search Engine(EGRISE) is a tool created by ETIP-Geothermal for the collection, organisation and sharing of data.

EGRISE offers more than 10,000 research resources produced in geothermal projects funded by the European Union and the rest of the geothermal community worldwide (project results, documentation, data, etc.) and compiled in an organised catalogue using the ZENODO data repository.

The documents can be easily filtered by category according to the ETIP-Geothermal Working Groups (exploration, drilling, production, surface/generation systems, environmental and non-technical). Documents can also be filtered by Funding Programme, Project Title and Document Type.

The GEOPLAT website has incorporated a button to facilitate direct access. This tool allows GEOPLAT members to stay at the forefront of scientific developments in the geothermal sector, to anticipate decision-making, as well as to contribute to the drafting of strategic documents or the identification of the most relevant research priorities.