13 Mar 2012
Energy Roadmap 2050: Neither hot nor cool
On 6th March, eleven European heat&cool sector related associations published the joint statement “Energy Roadmap 2050: Neither Hot nor Cool” calling for an ambitious European heating and cooling policy and showing that despite its huge potential, the heating and cooling sector remains misinterpreted in the EU Energy Roadmap 2050.
14 Jun 2011
Technology Roadmap – Geothermal Heat and Power
The Technology Roadmap for Geothermal Heat and Power offers a strategic plan to maximise deployment of these energy resources by 2050. It projects that 1,400 TWh of electricity per year could come from geothermal power by 2050, up from 67 TWh at present. Additionally, geothermal heat (not including ground-source heat pump technology) could contribute 5.8 EJ (1,600 TWh) annually by 2050. In order to reach these...
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01 Feb 2011
(Español) Documentación de interés para el aprovechamiento de la energía geotérmica
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