11 Feb 2019
(Español) Tecnología geotérmica para climatización de una vivienda unifamiliar en España

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
The Spanish District Heating and Cooling Association (ADHAC) has ellaborated the DHC census of Spain. There are 247 grids (3 of them geothermal), 45 more than in 2014, with a total installed potential of 1,139 MW. Download the documents licking on the following links: Census district and heating in Spain 2015. Presentaton of the study made by ADHAC about the Economic Effects of DHC in...
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The GeoDH Project has released a video explaining Geothermal District Heating in 3 minutes.
Over 25% of the EU population lives in areas directly suitable for Geothermal District Heating (GeoDH) . There is a large potential in Central and Eastern Europe, with GeoDH systems in operation in 22 European countries including Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and Romania, where existing heat networks are well developed. Geothermal district heating is a valuable and immediate option for the alleviation...
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Parliament’s joint Environment (ENVI) and Energy (ITRE) Committee recognised on January the 9th the importance of heating and cooling in today’s vote on a 2030 framework for climate and energy policies. Heating and cooling represent over 45% of the final energy consumption in the European Union compared to 20% for electricity, 26% transport and 9% for ‘non-energy’ use (IEA, 2011) yet they remain largely neglected...
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On January 23, 2014, GEOPLAT celebrated its Annual Assembly. GEOPLAT will give a course about shallow geothermal energy and premiers its geothermal energy video. The documentation (agenda and presentations) is available in Spanish.
“The debate must include heating and cooling ” urged the Heat Coalition as the Green Paper A 2030 framework for climate and energy policies was published on 27th March 2013. Shall we remember that last year they already claimed for a more ambitious European heating and cooling policy. According to the Heat Coalition, a platform gathering 11 European associations with a stake in the heating...
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Combating climate change and ensuring the security of energy supply represent profound challenges for Europe. Adapting the current energy scenario into a truly sustainable one will require realising the full potential of renewable energy sources to satisfy the heating and cooling demand– which accounts for around half of the EU’s final energy consumption. The European Technology Platform on Renewable Heating & Cooling (RHC-Platform) brings together stakeholders from...
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