
Tag: energías renovables

08 Mar 2021

International Women’s Day: Male sovereignty in the energy sector

International Women’s Day: Male sovereignty in the energy sector

There will be no massive demonstrations as in previous years, but the feminist movement does not give up on taking the streets. Throughout the planet, rallies and activities will be carried out, respecting security measures to celebrate International Women’s Day, a designated date on which thousands of women claim a right set in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: equality. This celebration, formalized by the United Nations in 1975...

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28 Jul 2020

Presentaciones disponibles: Asamblea GEOPLAT 2020 (23 julio)

Presentaciones disponibles: Asamblea GEOPLAT 2020 (23 julio)

En el siguiente enlace podéis descargaros las presentaciones realizadas durante la Asamblea anual de GEOPLAT 2020 que celebramos el pasado 23 de julio de forma telemática. Durante la Asamblea se analizaron las ventanas de oportunidad que se presentan para consolidar la geotermia en España en la década 2020 – 2030.

24 Jun 2020

El Gobierno aprueba un Real Decreto-ley con medidas para impulsar las energías renovables y favorecer la reactivación económica icono barra herramientas

El Gobierno aprueba un Real Decreto-ley con medidas para impulsar las energías renovables y favorecer la reactivación económica icono barra herramientas

El Consejo de Ministros, a propuesta del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITECO), ha aprobado un Real Decreto-ley con una batería de medidas para impulsar, de forma ordenada y rápida, la transición energética hacia un sistema eléctrico 100% renovable y favorecer la reactivación económica en línea con el Pacto Verde Europeo. La norma elimina barreras para el despliegue masivo de fuentes...

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19 Apr 2019

The Energy Union: from vision to reality

The Energy Union: from vision to reality

Europe is already a world leader in fighting climate change. European policies implemented over the last five years in all policy areas have put the EU on the right track to fully embrace the transition to clean energy, seizing the economic opportunities it offers, generating growth and jobs and a healthier environment for consumers. The fourth report on the state of the Energy Union, adopted on Tuesday 9 April,...

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29 Nov 2013

GEOPLAT Assembly 2012 – available documentation

GEOPLAT Assembly 2012 – available documentation

On November 28, 2013, GEOPLAT celebrated its Annual Assembly: Technological opportunities for the Spanish geothermal sector at a national and international level and Official training in geothermal energy. The Assembly has been divided into two blocks, the first related to the technological opportunities that exist nationally and internationally for the Spanish geothermal sector. The second block of contents of the Assembly has been dedicated monographically...

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