04 Jul 2014
(Español) El Atlas Global de las Energías Renovables de IRENA incorpora datos sobre el potencial geotérmico en España
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Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
World’s first magma-EGS system created in Iceland In 2009, a borehole drilled at Krafla, northeast Iceland, as part of the Icelandic Deep Drilling Project (IDDP), unexpectedly penetrated into magma (molten rock) at only 2100 meters depth, with a temperature of 900-1000 C. The borehole, IDDP-1, was the first in a series of wells being drilled by the IDDP in Iceland in the search for high-temperature...
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Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe’s global competitiveness. Running from 2014 to 2020 with a budget of just over €70 billion, the EU’s new programme for research and innovation is part of the drive to create new growth and jobs in Europe. Horizon 2020 provides major simplification through a single set of rules. It...
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In this link the “Resolution from 25 September 2013, of the State Secretariat of Energy, within which is publicated the one from 25 June 2013, of the Administration Council of the Spanish Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía, IDAE) , through which it is established the regulatory bases and call of the grant program for the energetic rehabilitation of existing buildings of the residential sector (dwelling and hotel use)” can...
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The Technology Roadmap for Geothermal Heat and Power offers a strategic plan to maximise deployment of these energy resources by 2050. It projects that 1,400 TWh of electricity per year could come from geothermal power by 2050, up from 67 TWh at present. Additionally, geothermal heat (not including ground-source heat pump technology) could contribute 5.8 EJ (1,600 TWh) annually by 2050. In order to reach these...
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