
Tag: renewable

25 Oct 2021

100% RHC Event 2021 + Spanish perspective (Online. 28 October 2021, 2pm CET)

100% RHC Event 2021 + Spanish perspective (Online. 28 October 2021, 2pm CET)

The European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC-ETIP) is proud to announce the 2021 edition of the 100% RHC event – 100% Renewable Heating and Cooling for Sustainable Future. This year’s event will take place online on 28 October 2021 from 14:00 to 16:45 (CET).  The 100% RHC event will showcase:   The RHC deployment and implementation report, with perspectives from industry...

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19 Apr 2019

The Energy Union: from vision to reality

The Energy Union: from vision to reality

Europe is already a world leader in fighting climate change. European policies implemented over the last five years in all policy areas have put the EU on the right track to fully embrace the transition to clean energy, seizing the economic opportunities it offers, generating growth and jobs and a healthier environment for consumers. The fourth report on the state of the Energy Union, adopted on Tuesday 9 April,...

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17 Jun 2013

Subventions for renewable energies: Murcia and País Vasco

Renewable energies incentives have been recently published  in Murcia and País Vasco: Information about the subventions in País Vasco (deadline for applications: 30th September 2013): http://www.eve.es/Programas-de-ayuda/Energias-Renovables.aspx. Information about the subventions in Murcia (deadline for applications: 8th July 2013): http://www.argem.es/wp-content/uploads/PER20131.pdf. Thereby, Murcia and País Vasco add up to other Autonomous Communitys that have already published incentives for renewable energies since the year 2013 started: Asturias (call is closed), Canarias (call is...

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10 May 2013

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the RHC-Platform

Agenda Estratégica de Investigación e Innovación de la Plataforma Tecnológica Europea de Climatización Renovable (RHC-Platform)

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (RHC-Platform) The RHC-Platform’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (RHC-SRIA) was launched at the Annual RHC-Platform conference. GEOPLAT is part of this platform since the beginning and is the President of the Geothermal Panel. Thereby, GEOPLAT has participated in the elaboration of several documents within the RHC-Platform: Common Vision, Strategic Research Priorities for Geothermal Technology and Strategic Research Priorities for Cross-cutting Technology. After creating the...

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