
24 Jan 2024

European Parliament backs resolution for a European geothermal energy strategy

On 18 January, the plenary of the European Parliament voted in favour of a resolution to support a European geothermal energy strategy. Professor Krasnodebski, a member of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR), led the resolution, which was supported by 531 of the 553 MEPs present (96%), with 20 abstentions and 2 votes against.

The resolution calls for:

  • A European strategy for geothermal energy to reduce administrative burdens and aid investments in buildings, industry and agricultural sectors across the Union.
  • A Geothermal Industrial Alliance to fast-track best practices and the effective implementation of legislation.
  • A harmonised financial risk mitigation insurance scheme.
  • Encourage Member States to design national strategies for geothermal like those by the French, German, Polish, Austrian, Croatian and Irish governments.
  • Supportcoal regions to transition to geothermal.

This is the latest milestone for geothermal energy at the European legislative level. On 7 December, the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) unanimously adopted the Krasnodębski own-initiative report in which it already called on the Commission and Member States to explore and develop the potential of geothermal energy in the European Union, through more effective means to accelerate the deployment of geothermal technologies.