
26 Mar 2024

Google, Microsoft and Nucor to join forces to accelerate geothermal energy projects

The increasing development and use of artificial intelligence-based solutions is increasing the electricity demand of major technology giants, prompting them to look for renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions due to this growth.

Google and Microsoft have announced a partnership to purchase electricity generated from geothermal and other energy sources. These multinationals have also been joined by US steel producer Nucor.

The companies have confirmed their need for new renewable energy sources that are reliably available 24 hours a day, an intrinsic feature of geothermal energy.

For this reason, companies have promoted a Request for Information (RFI) campaign of potential projects based on clean energy that require purchase agreements, to be the beginning of the identification of projects for companies to participate through the aggregation model of demand. The first set of commercial projects is planned to come online in 2030.

Complete news in Think Geoenergy..