
Tag: Geotermia

02 Jul 2024

Celestino García de la Noceda: “The Canary Islands is the main territory in Spain for the development of geothermal energy”.

Celestino García de la Noceda: “The Canary Islands is the main territory in Spain for the development of geothermal energy”.

Celestino García de la Noceda, honorary president of GEOPLAT, has recently participated in the conference on geothermal energy in the framework of the 'New energy vectors' conferences, organised by the Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Gran Canaria, with the collaboration of the Asociación para la Transición Energética and the support of Canaluz.

10 May 2024

The Spanish Geothermal Energy Association, GEOENERGÍA, is born, key to boosting the use of geothermal energy in Spain.

The Spanish Geothermal Energy Association, GEOENERGÍA, is born, key to boosting the use of geothermal energy in Spain.

GEOPLAT presented on 8 May at IDAE its spin-off: the Spanish Geothermal Energy Association, GEOENERGÍA, which was created with the mission of being the voice of the geothermal sector in Spain. GEOENERGÍA will accompany companies towards the progress of their businesses and will work for the development of the sector as a whole by promoting a regulatory, political and social framework that favours the sustainable...

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10 Apr 2024

Save the date: GEOPLAT Assembly (8 May, 11 a.m.)

Save the date: GEOPLAT Assembly (8 May, 11 a.m.)

Next 8th May, the GEOPLAT General Assembly will take place at the IDAE headquarters. We have a lot to tell you! We will present the evolution of the Platform and review the main milestones of the sector in the last year. REGISTRATION: open to GEOPLAT members and interested professionals (limited capacity, places will be allocated in order of registration. Possibility of online participation).

26 Mar 2024

Google, Microsoft and Nucor to join forces to accelerate geothermal energy projects

Google, Microsoft and Nucor to join forces to accelerate geothermal energy projects

The increasing development and use of artificial intelligence-based solutions is increasing the electricity demand of major technology giants, prompting them to look for renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions due to this growth. Google and Microsoft have announced a partnership to purchase electricity generated from geothermal and other energy sources. These multinationals have also been joined by US steel producer Nucor. The companies...

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06 Mar 2024

Soziable interview with Margarita de Gregorio on the role of geothermal energy in decarbonisation

Soziable interview with Margarita de Gregorio on the role of geothermal energy in decarbonisation

Margarita de Gregorio, secretary general of GEOPLAT, analyses in an interview for Soziable the possibilities of geothermal energy and the role it can play in the coming years in the energy transition. She points out that geothermal energy “has the capacity to decarbonise both by providing thermal energy in the form of heat and cold, as well as electrical energy. With the particularity that the...

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23 Feb 2024

GEOPLAT participates in RAC Dialogues on Geothermal Energy

GEOPLAT participates in RAC Dialogues on Geothermal Energy

GEOPLAT, represented by Celestino García de la Noceda, from the Platform’s Steering Group, participated in the colloquium ‘Geothermal energy: a renewable, profitable and constant energy‘, organised on 21 February by the Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España (RAC), in collaboration with the Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME) and the Sociedad Geológica de España. Celestino explained what geothermal energy is...

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19 Feb 2024

Transforming the energy future through geothermal energy

Transforming the energy future through geothermal energy

Margarita de Gregorio, Secretary General of GEOPLAT, analysed the situation of geothermal energy in Spain for Interempresas. “With an increasingly important presence in the energy mix, geothermal energy is emerging as an inexhaustible source of heat from the subsoil, destined to play a fundamental role in decarbonisation for a sustainable energy future“, she said. With regard to the main milestones that have marked the past...

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