
16 Apr 2024

IDAE to have 100 million to invest in energy transition projects

The Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), which reports to the Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, seeks public-private collaboration initiatives linked to the transformation of the energy system in which it can participate by acquiring equity capital.

It has activated an endowment of 100 million euros to invest as a minority partner in emerging business projects involving innovative technological solutions, start-ups or business models for the global process of decarbonisation of the Spanish economy. Proposals that are technically viable and economically profitable, with at least a degree of technological development and in a pre-commercial phase will be valued. Its objective is to facilitate the activation and commercial consolidation of promising initiatives in the energy transition.

IDAE may acquire equity stakes in the share capital of companies, start-ups, vehicle companies or newly created companies that present innovative projects primarily aimed at sustainable mobility, renewable technologies, hydrogen, infrastructures, storage and flexibility of the electricity system, efficiency, industrial value chain and circular economy.

The participation in the projects will always be minority, between 5% and 20%, with a maximum of 10 million euros per project.

Proposals can now be submitted for consideration at: inversiones@idae.es. The IDAE’s criteria, documentation to be submitted and priority investment areas can be consulted on its website.