
10 May 2024

The Spanish Geothermal Energy Association, GEOENERGÍA, is born, key to boosting the use of geothermal energy in Spain.

GEOPLAT presented on 8 May at IDAE its spin-off: the Spanish Geothermal Energy Association, GEOENERGÍA, which was created with the mission of being the voice of the geothermal sector in Spain. GEOENERGÍA will accompany companies towards the progress of their businesses and will work for the development of the sector as a whole by promoting a regulatory, political and social framework that favours the sustainable implementation of geothermal energy in the territories, creating industry and providing environmental and socio-economic value.

Margarita de Gregorio, Secretary General of GEOPLAT and CEO of GEONERGÍA, presented this new vehicle that has been created to join forces for the success of geothermal sector projects, as well as to maximise their visibility and opportunities. The REPowerEU Plan has put into context that the ambitious environmental and energy objectives established in the European Union and in Spain require the participation of all renewable sources and that geothermal energy is essential in the decarbonisation of energy uses, both electrical and thermal.

This is in addition to the backing given by the European Parliament with the resolution passed in early 2024 unanimously calling for a European strategy for geothermal energy to reduce administrative burdens and boost investment in construction, industry and agriculture; a geothermal industrial alliance to achieve effective implementation of legislation and a harmonised plan for risk mitigation. Furthermore, it encourages Member States to design national geothermal strategies (such as those of the French, German, Polish, Austrian, Croatian and Irish governments) and to promote the just transition of mining basins through the development of geothermal energy (as HUNOSA is doing in Spain).

All this has highlighted the need for a business association in Spain that brings together the private sector and defends its interests in the regulatory and market spheres. GEOENERGÍA will work on regulatory and policy proposals, design strategies to promote the development of the sector in a sustainable manner, promote knowledge about geothermal energy, facilitate market intelligence, raise the profile of the agents operating in the sector and their installations, establish synergies and alliances with key agents that stimulate the sector’s progress and keep the sector informed for strategic decision-making.

Paloma Pérez, coordinator of GEOPLAT, presented the Platform’s new action plan. GEOPLAT will bring together all the public-private agents operating in the field of R&D&I in the geothermal sector, identify entities, capacities and facilities in the sector, collaborate with public administrations and adapt its services to current needs through scientific-technical seminars, sectoral congresses and documentation for training and knowledge of the geothermal sector.

GEOPLAT and GEOENERGÍA will be integrated in the Spanish Geothermal Network, which will connect all public-private agents in the geothermal sector. The Network will increase the visibility of the sector through Geo MApp, the largest visual database of entities in the field of geothermal energy in Spain, with public access.