10 Jun 2022
(Español) GEOPLAT participa en la reunión del Proyecto EUROPEO GEB – Geothermal Energy Capacity Building in Egypt-
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The European Shallow Geothermal Days 2022 will be taking place on 14 to 15 June 2022 in Barcelona, Spain. Registration for the event is open until 31st May via this link. Shallow geothermal energy represents a well-developed, non-volatile and clean technology for providing efficient heating and cooling across Europe. It is often associated with the use of ground source heat pumps, but offers a wide...
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CROWDTHERMAL broadcasted its First International Conference on 7 April 2022. The aim of the event was to officially introduce the services the Horizon 2020 funded project is developing for community-financed geothermal projects. CROWDTHERMAL partners GEOPLAT (Spanish Geothermal Platform) and the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) co-organised the event. The mission of CROWDTHERMAL is to empower society to directly participate in the development of geothermal projects,...
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On Wednesday 26 May 2021 took place the PIXIL workshop “From science to praxis: experiences in the use of geophysical methods to characterise geothermal anomalies”, which was organised within the framework of the project by the University of Barcelona, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Geoplat, Pôle Avenia and Real Time Seismic. The workshop focused on recent advances in geophysical inversion and modelling and also presented practical experiences using geophysical methods to characterise...
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Del 22 al 24 de septiembre se celebran, de forma virtual, los European Research & Innovation Days , el evento anual de R&I de la Comisión Europea, que reúne a responsables políticos, investigadores, emprendedores y público general para debatir y dar forma al futuro de la investigación y la innovación en Europa y fuera de sus fronteras. Los principales eventos de esta conferencia son: Sesiones...
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Las Azores emergen en una zona con un gran potencial calórico. Los nueve volcanes islas que lo conforman se encuentran en la denominada dorsal mesoatlántica, en un punto en el que confluyen tres placas tectónicas (la americana, africana y euroasiática), lo que provoca una intensa actividad sísmica y volcánica, así como otros fenómenos naturales (aguas termales y fumarolas) que denotan la existencia de calor en...
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