

15 Jan 2024

Margarita de Gregorio: “The interesting thing about geothermal energy is that it can always be available to produce electricity, it is manageable”.

Margarita de Gregorio: “The interesting thing about geothermal energy is that it can always be available to produce electricity, it is manageable”.

Recently, the Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) awarded 120 million euros from the Next Generation funds to 14 projects to explore the potential of deep geothermal energy in Spain. La Razón has published a report on the potential of geothermal energy in Spain. Margarita de Gregorio, coordinator of Geoplat, explained to this media that “within geothermal energy there are two...

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12 Jan 2024

Webinar on the call for public-private collaboration projects 2023 (exclusive for GEOPLAT partners)

Webinar on the call for public-private collaboration projects 2023 (exclusive for GEOPLAT partners)

On 19 January 2024, at 10 h, GEOPLAT, in collaboration with the Agencia Estatal de Investigación, is organising a webinar to present the main aspects of the call for public-private collaboration projects 2023. This call of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023 was published on 29 December, and is scheduled to open on 30 January 2024. The objective of the grants...

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11 Jan 2024

The 9 reasons why the DOE (USA) is betting on geothermal energy:

The 9 reasons why the DOE (USA) is betting on geothermal energy:

It is green. It provides energy by harnessing the heat that flows continuously from the Earth’s interior to the surface without burning fossil fuels. It is always available and flexible. It is a reliable source of clean energy that is not dependent on the weather, which means it can be harnessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Its power output can also be...

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09 Jan 2024

TOP 10 countries with the highest installed geothermal power generation capacity in 2023

TOP 10 countries with the highest installed geothermal power generation capacity in 2023

The total installed geothermal power generation capacity at the end of 2023 was 16,335 MW, an increase of 208 MW, according to the annual TOP published by ThinkGeoEnergy. 🌏 Although geothermal development continues to grow at a still slow pace, it presents a promising horizon thanks to the large numbers expected this year in countries in Asia, Africa and Oceania such as Kenya, Indonesia, the...

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22 Dec 2023

Margarita de Gregorio: “Geothermal energy is essential to achieve real energy autonomy in Europe”

Margarita de Gregorio: “Geothermal energy is essential to achieve real energy autonomy in Europe”

In early December, 51 of the 53 members of the European Parliament’s Industry, Energy and Research Committee (ITRE) voted in favour of the Own Initiative Report on geothermal energy, which highlights strategies to accelerate the deployment of geothermal technologies in the European Union. In this context, Margarita de Gregorio, coordinator of Geoplat, analyzes in an interview for Energía Estratégica the role of geothermal energy in...

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19 Dec 2023

CSIC tests non-invasive methodology to monitor geothermal reservoirs

CSIC tests non-invasive methodology to monitor geothermal reservoirs

Environmental seismic noise allows monitoring the vapour content in the subsurface to optimise the efficiency of geothermal energy production. This is the main conclusion of a study led by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Iceland and published in the journal Nature Portfolio, whose pioneering approach focuses on the sustainability and profitability of this form of clean energy. Geothermal energy production usually produces...

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11 Dec 2023

European Parliament committee votes in favor of geothermal report

European Parliament committee votes in favor of geothermal report

51 out of 53 members of the European Parliament’s Industry, Energy and Research Committee (ITRE) voted in favour of the Own Initiative Report on geothermal energy which highlights the most effective means to accelerate the deployment of geothermal technologies across the EU. The outcome of the vote demonstrates full political convergence on the need for a European approach to geothermal energy to help cities, industry...

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29 Nov 2023

CCPTE annual meeting: ‘Debate between various technologies from the perspective of innovation and value creation’

CCPTE annual meeting: ‘Debate between various technologies from the perspective of innovation and value creation’

The Coordination Committee of Spanish Energy Technology Platforms (CCPTE), of which GEOPLAT is a member, organised its annual meeting on 15 November under the title ‘Debate between different technologies from the perspective of innovation and value creation’. The event was welcomed by Mª Ángeles Ferre, Head of the Scientific-Technical Thematic Programmes Branch of the State Research Agency. Two round tables were held; the first, comprising...

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15 Oct 2023

Geothermal power aims to account for 5% of global electricity supply by 2050

Geothermal power aims to account for 5% of global electricity supply by 2050

Geothermal energy aims to account for 5% of global electricity supply by 2050, up from 0.5% today, positioning it as a real alternative for self-consumption. By providing regular energy input, harnessing the Earth’s internal heat, it offers the opportunity for countries to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels. This energy independence not only strengthens national economies, but can also act as a buffer against energy...

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11 Sep 2023

(Español) Curso de especialización en energía geotérmica de alto nivel científico

(Español) Curso de especialización en energía geotérmica de alto nivel científico

On 25-26 September 2023, in the framework of the European project GEO4CIVHIC – Most Easy, Efficient and Low Cost Geothermal Systems for Retrofitting Civil and Historical Building, the European Centres of Excellence (ECoE) network is organising a specialisation course on geothermal energy at a high scientific level for master, postgraduate and PhD students. The course will be held in English and in hybrid format: online...

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