

04 Jun 2021

More than 100 people participated in the PIXIL workshop “From science to practice: experiences in the use of geophysical methods to characterise geothermal anomalies”

More than 100 people participated in the PIXIL workshop “From science to practice: experiences in the use of geophysical methods to characterise geothermal anomalies”

On Wednesday 26 May 2021 took place the PIXIL workshop “From science to praxis: experiences in the use of geophysical methods to characterise geothermal anomalies”, which was organised within the framework of the project by the University of Barcelona, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Geoplat, Pôle Avenia and Real Time Seismic. The workshop focused on recent advances in geophysical inversion and modelling and also presented practical experiences using geophysical methods to characterise...

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