

25 Jan 2019

Partners sign agreement establishing the GEO-ENERGY EUROPE metacluster, with the aim of exporting European geo-energy know-how & technologies to world markets

Partners sign agreement establishing the GEO-ENERGY EUROPE metacluster, with the aim of exporting European geo-energy know-how & technologies to world markets

GEO-ENERGY EUROPE project consortium partners have signed a Partnership Agreement in Dublin last Monday, January 21, 2019 to formalize the creation of the GEO-ENERGY EUROPE metacluster and sustain its life beyond the end of the ongoing project timeframe (2018-2019). The GEO-ENERGY EUROPE project is coordinated by French competitiveness cluster POLE AVENIA and funded by the European Programme for the COmpetitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises...

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21 Jan 2019

World Geothermal Congress 2020 – Call for Abstracts until January 31, 2019

World Geothermal Congress 2020 – Call for Abstracts until January 31, 2019

The World Geothermal Congress (WGC) will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland in April 2020 in the Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre. WGC is finally coming to Iceland, a country that has shown so clearly to the world how renewable energy can power a modern economy in the 21st century. The Icelandic geothermal community has played a vital role in the technological development of geothermal power...

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21 Sep 2018

GEO-ENERGY EUROPE keeps working on the capabilities of a future meta-cluster in its last meeting in Celle (Germany)

GEO-ENERGY EUROPE keeps working on the capabilities of a future meta-cluster in its last meeting in Celle (Germany)

GEO-ENERGY EUROPE (GEE) consortium met for the fourth time  in Celle (Germany), on September 10th and 11th . The meeting was organized by  GeoEnergy Celle cluster and coincided with the celebration of the international event Celle Drilling Conference, which brought together experts from the drilling sector, including members of the GEE consortium. The members of the project consortium continue with the work developed on the capabilities...

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