14 Oct 2019
GEO-ENERGY EUROPE met in Paris to continue the efforts on the internationalization strategy

GEO-ENERGY EUROPE metacluster partners met in Paris at their last periodic meeting on 7 and 8 October. The consortium is working on its internationalisation strategy, as well as on a possible second phase for the project. The meeting began with presentations by several members of GEODEEP, the host partner, who explained their different activities in the field of geothermal energy carried out in their entities....
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01 Oct 2019
CROWDTHERMAL kick off meeting in Brussels

CROWDTHERMAL is a new project funded under the European Union’s Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020 (grant agreement n°857830) which aims to empower the European public to directly participate in the development of geothermal projects with the help of alternative financing schemes such as crowdfunding and social engagement tools. The 36-months project has held its kick-off meeting in Brussels, hosted by the European Federation of Geologists,...
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05 Sep 2019
(Español) BdIGSCat : Base de datos de Instalaciones de Geotermia Superficial de Cataluña

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20 Jul 2019
CROWDTHERMAL: A new project for innovative population-driven financing solutions

GEOPLAT is proud to announce its participation in CROWDTHERMAL. The financing of this project is part of the Social Challenge 3 “SAFE, CLEAN AND EFFICIENT ENERGY”, which is part of the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union (HORIZON2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020). The overall objective of CROWDTHERMAL is to achieve an innovative media-driven approach that facilitates the raising of crowdfunding capital for the (co-)financing of geothermal projects in...
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28 Jun 2019
(Español) Presentaciones disponibles: Asamblea GEOPLAT 2019 (Madrid, 19 junio 2019)
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25 May 2019
GEOPLAT collaborates in the European project GEO-URBAN

GEOPLAT is pleased to announce its participation in the project GEO-URBAN: Identification and Assessment of Deep Geothermal Heat Resources in Challenging Urban Environments. In the project, specialists from Ireland, Denmark and Spain collaborate in the analysis of geothermal resources in urban areas in order to explore their potential use as a source of thermal energy. The ability to use geothermal resources to generate heat in urban...
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23 Apr 2019
(Español) Publicada la Agenda Estratégica de Investigación e Innovación en Geotermia Profunda de ETIP-DG

19 Apr 2019
The Energy Union: from vision to reality

Europe is already a world leader in fighting climate change. European policies implemented over the last five years in all policy areas have put the EU on the right track to fully embrace the transition to clean energy, seizing the economic opportunities it offers, generating growth and jobs and a healthier environment for consumers. The fourth report on the state of the Energy Union, adopted on Tuesday 9 April,...
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