

12 May 2016

Yearbook 2015

Anuario GEOPLAT 2015

Like every year, it is a pleasure for us to be able to share the activities which GEOPLAT carried out along the past year 2015 (link). Nowadays, the development of the sector is unequal, as there is some progress in geothermal energy for heating and cooling, but geothermal energy for power production remais static. Having this in mind, from the Platform we try to continue contributing...

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17 Feb 2016

Europe finally gets a heating and cooling strategy

Europe finally gets a heating and cooling strategy

Heating and cooling consumes half of the energy consumption in Europe. Luckily the European commission  has created a  the EU strategy  on heating and cooling published the 16/02/2016. Heating and cooling consumes half of the energy in Europe and much of it is wasted. Therefore the European Commission has elaborated a strategy in order to prioritize the efficiency and sustainability in the heating and cooling system...

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15 Jan 2016

2015 JRC Geothermal Energy Status Report

2015 JRC Geothermal Energy Status Report

The Institute for Energy and Transport  of the European Comision has ellaborated this report, which presents the current status of the major geothermal energy technologies ranging from ground source heat pump systems, direct use facilities to geothermal power plants. Power production from hydrothermal resources where natural permeability coincides with hot bedrocks is a mature technology. The same is true for direct use systems and ground...

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