

21 May 2015

GEOPLAT, six years boosting the Spanish geothermal sector

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GEOPLAT gathers in a yearbook its most remarkable actuations from 2014 GEOPLAT, the Spanish Geothermal Technology Platform, was founded in 2009 by all the stakeholders of the geothermal energy sector in Spain. Since then, the more than 200 entities which form GEOPLAT, most of them SMEs, have worked together in the elaboration of position docuemnts that point out the key milestones and the strategic actions...

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24 Apr 2015

Global gathering celebrates the continuing success story of global growth in both geothermal power generation and heat production

The largest gathering of the global geothermal community, the World Geothermal Congress 2015, highlights the sector’s continuing growth and its important contribution to the movement towards a sustainable energy future. Delegates heard that Europe has huge potential for both power and heat, is the birthplace of the technology, and is still one of the world leaders in terms of expertise. In spite of this, the...

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09 Apr 2015

For developing countries, new opportunities in geothermal energy

Uses of geothermal energy in food and agriculture. Opportunities for developing countries (cover)

New report explores uses of natural heat for food production and processing. Geothermal energy, the flow of heat energy radiating from the earth’s core, provides unique opportunities for cost efficient, sustainable food production and processing in developing countries, says the new report published by FAO: In some developing economies, as much as half of all food produced is lost post-harvest – that’s due in part...

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31 Mar 2015

2014 JRC Geothermal Energy Status Report

2014 JRC Geothermal Energy Status Report

If we recently made a post about the US DOE 2014 Annual Report Geothermal Technologies Office, now it is Europe Commission’s turn to inform about the state of geothermal energy in Europe. The Institute for Energy and Transport of the Joint Research Institute of the European Commission has recently published in 2015 its 2014 Geothermal Energy Status Report. This new report by the JRC analyzes the field...

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17 Mar 2015

2014 Annual Report Geothermal Technologies Office

Geothermal Technologies Office 2014 del US DOE

The Department of Energy of the United States (US DOE) has recently published the 2014 Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) Annual Report , whisch is a product of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. GTO pursues transformative, high-risk/high-reward science and engineering. This issue highlights 35 project successes in all of our program areas – EGS, Hydrothermal, Low-Temperature, and Systems Analysis – which are flanked by useful tools and...

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10 Mar 2015

Brochure: “Deep Geothermal Energy- Application Possibilities in Germany”

Deep Geothermal Energy- Application Possibilities in Germany

A new brochure “Deep Geothermal Energy- Application Possibilities in Germany”, prepared at LIAG – Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik, im GEOZENTRUM HANNOVER, was published in September 2014. This new brochure on deep geothermal energy possibilities in Germany provides technical information and recommendations for action for investment decision in favour of deep geothermal applications. The easily understandable presentation of the physical and systems engineering principles and relationships...

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