28 Jun 2021
(Español) SAVE THE DATE: ASAMBLEA GEOPLAT 2021 (12 julio, 12h)
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28 Jun 2021
(Español) Curso de verano Cátedra Hunosa: “Energía Renovable Geotérmica: de la teoría a la práctica” (6 al 10 septiembre 2021)
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08 Jun 2021
(Español) Webinar GEOPLAT / CDTI ‘Geotermia en Horizon Europe’ (15 junio, 10h)
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08 Jun 2021
(Español) Webinar CCPTE: Ayudas Ley de Transición Energética y Fondos de Reconstrucción para la I+D+i energética (15 de junio, 12h)
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04 Jun 2021
More than 100 people participated in the PIXIL workshop “From science to practice: experiences in the use of geophysical methods to characterise geothermal anomalies”
On Wednesday 26 May 2021 took place the PIXIL workshop “From science to praxis: experiences in the use of geophysical methods to characterise geothermal anomalies”, which was organised within the framework of the project by the University of Barcelona, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Geoplat, Pôle Avenia and Real Time Seismic. The workshop focused on recent advances in geophysical inversion and modelling and also presented practical experiences using geophysical methods to characterise...
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21 May 2021
(Español) 26 mayo: Webinar CCPTE ‘Ayudas en el marco de los programas europeos Horizon Europe y LIFE para la I+D+i energética’
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04 May 2021
PIXIL holds its second workshop about the use of geophysical methods to characterise geothermal anomalies
The European project PIXIL celebrates its second international workshop: ‘From science to praxis – Experiences employing geophysical methods to characterise geothermal anomalies’. The event, which GEOPLAT has organized in cooperation with Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Universitat de Barcelona, RealTimeSeismic and POLE AVENIA, will take place on May 26 virtually via Zoom from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm. The aim is to share recent advances in...
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30 Apr 2021
(Español) Estas son las convocatorias de proyectos de I+D+i de abril
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22 Apr 2021
(Español) Día de la Tierra 2021: Hay que pasar a la acción
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21 Apr 2021
(Español) Búsqueda de candidatos – Doctorado ‘Desarrollo de herramientas para la modelización y evaluación de redes de climatización con geotermia apoyadas con otras fuentes renovables’
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