

17 May 2018

Second meeting of the European project GEO-ENERGY EUROPE

Second meeting of the European project GEO-ENERGY EUROPE

The second meeting of the European project GEO-ENERGÍA EUROPEA, in which GEOPLAT participates, was held in Pécs (Hungary) on May 15 and 16, 2018. The objective of the meeting was the identification of the best practices developed by each member of the consortium in order to be implemented in the creation of a transnational cluster dedicated to improving the development and competitiveness of small and medium...

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27 Feb 2018

Launching of GEO-ENERGY EUROPE project

Launching of GEO-ENERGY EUROPE project

GEOPLAT is proud to announce the launching of the GEO-ENERGY EUROPE project. Funded under the “Clusters Go International” call, which is part of the European Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME) programme, the project will consist in creating a transnational cluster specifically aimed at increasing the performance & competitiveness of European SMEs in all industries concerned by the use of subsurface for energy,...

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08 Jan 2018

Supply chain of renewable energy technologies in Europe: An analysis for wind, geothermal and ocean energy

Supply chain of renewable energy technologies in Europe: An analysis for wind, geothermal and ocean energy

The report “Supply chain of renewable energy technologies in Europe – An analysis for wind, geothermal and ocean energy” aims at providing an overview of the supply chain of a number of renewable energy technologies. The report currently addresses the following technologies in detail: wind energy, geothermal energy and ocean energy but might be expanded at a later stage. In particular, the report focuses on the current market for...

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19 Dec 2017

Report: New Horizons for Clean Power Generation from Low Temperature Geothermal Energy

Report: New Horizons for Clean Power Generation from Low Temperature Geothermal Energy

The report Japan’s Onsen Power. New Horizons for Clean Power Generation from Low Temperature Geothermal Energy (Frost & Sullivan) highlights the future role of low-temperature geothermal power in the country’s energy mix.           The post-Fukushima shutdown of Japan’s nuclear reactors and subsequent demand for energy self-sufficiency due to costly fuel imports, coupled with the Japanese government’s ambitious emissions reduction targets for 2020, have stimulated growth...

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13 Dec 2017

Dos informes que recogen los datos de mercado y marco regulatorio del sector geotérmico elaborados por EGEC

Dos informes que recogen los datos de mercado y marco regulatorio del sector geotérmico elaborados por EGEC

EGEC Geothermal Market Report 2016 (Key Findings). El informe, elaborado por el European Geothermal Energy Council –EGEC–, recoge la información más actualizada sobre la situación actual del sector geotérmico europeo proporcionada por expertos nacionales de toda Europa. En él se analiza  el desarrollo del mercado y las perspectivas de la energía geotérmica en Europa abarcando tanto la generación eléctrica como térmica. Strengthening enabling frameworks: Geothermal...

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